[FAQ] Donating using eCheck via Paypal
2006.Jul.24, 05:43 PM
[FAQ] Donating using eCheck via Paypal
Post: #1
All donations are credited by the game automatically once Paypal has received the donated funds -- except for eChecks.

eCheck donations are credited automatically when Paypal notifies us that the donated funds have cleared the bank. This could take up to 4 business days. Once it has cleared the bank, the site will immediately credit your account.

This delay is unfortunate, but not something we can control. If you want credits immediately, you will have to use either Paypal cash or a credit card.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin

Messages In This Thread
[FAQ] Donating using eCheck via Paypal - zenith - 2006.Jul.24 05:43 PM