Bioplex Assistant.
2008.Jun.12, 01:39 AM
Bioplex Assistant.
Post: #1
Since the crime screen got a bit of a boost, perhaps the bioplex assistant can get one, too? Posting what stat you happened to train, the average amount of points, trainers used and non-trainer trains, keeping how many times a day you've trained and the total amount trained for the day, along with the date.

Clearer synopsis:


1) How many times trained in a day
2) How many total points gained in a day
3) The day trained


1) Stat(s) trained for that day
2) Average amount of points trained
3) Show trainer gains and non-trainer gains

Messages In This Thread
Bioplex Assistant. - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Jun.12 01:39 AM
[] - zenith - 2008.Jun.12, 01:51 AM
[] - bigchaz - 2008.Jun.12, 01:53 AM
[] - zenith - 2008.Jun.12, 01:57 AM
[] - bigchaz - 2008.Jun.12, 02:19 AM
[] - w00k - 2008.Jun.12, 06:50 AM
[] - SisterLynx - 2008.Jun.12, 07:00 AM
[] - Loki - 2008.Jun.12, 07:00 AM
[] - ZeonOne - 2008.Jun.12, 07:15 AM
[] - Punisher - 2008.Jun.12, 07:25 AM
[] - BlackClouds - 2008.Jun.12, 12:09 PM
[] - mudpies - 2008.Jun.12, 04:03 PM
[] - infinite93 - 2008.Jun.12, 04:45 PM