Gang President View Members Stats? *Proposal idea*
2007.Mar.08, 12:45 PM
Gang President View Members Stats? *Proposal idea*
Post: #1
I wanted to get some feedback from the community on this idea that I recently had. I was thinking that the gang presidents and/or vice presidents should be able to view the gang members stats to keep an accurate reading of each persons progression. Currently in my gang, the president asks that we send in our stats weekly, and I can see how it may get a little tedious after the first few times doing it, so I thought it would be easier if they could just view our stats, but this permission should only be granted to the President and/or Vice President.

This is just a suggestion that I felt may improve the game, but I am not sure how some people will feel about this. I may be overlooking the negatives of doing this, so please don't just discredit my idea, think about it and then let me know what kind of complications it may involve.

Thanks for reading what I have to say and I hope that other users out there will agree with me,


Messages In This Thread
Gang President View Members Stats? *Proposal idea* - Lysdexik - 2007.Mar.08 12:45 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Mar.08, 01:00 PM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2007.Mar.08, 01:09 PM
[] - Lysdexik - 2007.Mar.09, 06:50 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Mar.09, 06:58 PM
[] - SteelCurtain1979 - 2007.Mar.09, 07:00 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Mar.09, 07:12 PM
[] - SteelCurtain1979 - 2007.Mar.09, 07:15 PM
[] - Lysdexik - 2007.Mar.09, 09:04 PM
[] - Punisher - 2007.Mar.10, 04:40 PM