Small suggestion
2007.May.08, 10:04 PM
Post: #11
agreed, those sites are a great help... good job fellas!
2007.May.09, 08:19 PM
Post: #12
That is a good site Gepetto. I assume those car theft crimes are just a rough guesson the payouts, right? I have had lower on the 12 and 16 AP thefts and higher on the 9 AP one. Since I only had lower one time each on the 12 and 16 and only twice higher on the 9 I assume was just a fluke of the game. Kick-ass content there I say. Smile

ANother classic car crime.

Result: You get the classic car to a contact in the shady part of town. The car isn't top-notch, but who cares, it is a classic. The guy just wants cars. He pays you $258 to take the car off your hands.